Oct 6th, 2013 - Add help docs. To access this type, 'acJntLabel.__doc__' or 'help(acJntLabel)'
Oct 8th, 2013 - Add functionality for user to pass joints through a selection or a list.
Video Demo:
Source Code:
Title: AC_jointLabel.py
Author: Andrew Kin Fun Chan
Email: AndrewChan1985@gmail.com
Date: Sept 2013
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: Maya 2011+ (It will probably work in older versions as well. Contact me if you have issues.)
import maya.cmds as mc
def toList(objects):
This function takes in data and returns it as a list.
if isinstance(objects, str):
return [objects]
elif isinstance(objects, tuple):
return list(objects)
return objects
#acceptable side keys to use.
sideDict = {
#acceptable type keys to use.
typeDict = {
'Index Finger':19,
'Middle Finger':20,
'Ring Finger':21,
'Pinky Finger':22,
'Extra Finger':23,
'Big Toe':24,
'Index Toe':25,
'Middle Toe':26,
'Ring Toe':27,
'Pinky Toe':28,
'Extra Toe':29
acJntLabel ('Left', 'Other',None, 'oi')
def acJntLabel (side, type, joints = None, *args):
[Description:] This is a function that joint labels using the user input or selected joints.
If the selected joint names were...
lf_joint1_bnd, lf_joint2_bnd, lf_joint3_bnd
I would want to assign the side to Left, type to Other,
and remove 'lf_' & '_bnd' from the joint label name.
acJntLabel ('Left', 'Other', None, 'lf_','_bnd')
@param side: Name of joint label side.
@type side: *str*
Acceptable side parameters:
'Center', 'Left', 'Right', 'None'
@param type: Name of joint label type.
@type side: *str*
Acceptable type parameters:
'None', 'Root', 'Hip', 'Knee', 'Foot', 'Toe', 'Spine', 'Neck', 'Head', 'Collar', 'Shoulder',
'Elbow', 'Hand', 'Finger', 'Thumb', 'PropA', 'PropB', 'PropC', 'Other', 'Index Finger', 'Middle Finger',
'Ring Finger', 'Pinky Finger', 'Extra Finger', 'Big Toe', 'Index Toe', 'Middle Toe', 'Ring Toe',
'Pinky Toe', 'Extra Toe'
@param joints: List of joint names to label. If param is set to None, then get joints based off user selection.
@type side: *str*, *tuple*, *list*
@param *args: Name of strings you would like to remove from the joint name.
@type *args: *str*
joints = toList(joints)
if not joints:
joints = mc.ls (sl = True)
if not joints:
raise RuntimeError('Must select or pass in joints.')
if side not in sideDict.keys():
raise RuntimeError('Side name,%s, must be one of the following: %s' % (side, sideDict.keys()))
if type not in typeDict.keys():
raise RuntimeError('Type name, %s, must be one of the following: %s' % (type, typeDict.keys()))
for jnt in joints:
print jnt
if not mc.objExists(jnt):
print '%s joint does not exist... Continuing to next joint.' % (jnt)
#assigning the side and type to all selected joints.
mc.setAttr ((jnt + '.side'), sideDict[side])
mc.setAttr ((jnt + '.type'), typeDict[type])
jntNewName = jnt
#looping through the args to remove them from the name.
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
jntNewName = jntNewName.replace(arg, '')
#assign the name of the joint label with the new name.
mc.setAttr ((jnt+'.otherType'), jntNewName, type ='string' )
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